The author fixes, edits, notes down and repeats certain forms such as letters and figures, mouse figures and ladder motifs which become content carriers and thus suggest a certain story. The colour selection is subtle and sophisticated. Spraying gives the images a certain dynamic and spatiality. In some works, there is a visible collage intervention. Tatjana intuitively explores drawings, flirts between figuration and abstraction and introduces comic segments. Throughout the cycle a unique logo of the artist appears in the paintings – a silhouette of a small mouse reminding of Mickey Mouse, whose symbolic message is the author’s childhood association and the universally known feature of Walt Disney’s animated film. Maybe she wants to bring us back to early childhood and remind us not to lose the childish and the infantile that we had in the earliest youth. Formally speaking, regardless of any story in the art history, Tatjana Politeo with this cycle again runs into her own research trying to find a personal story – deeply advancing into the adventure of creating a personal dictionary.
TECHNIQUE: mixed media on canvas
(acrylic, mortar, spray, graphite)
YEAR: 2010 – 2011